On Sat., Feb. 10, Berkeley Path Wanderers Assn. sponsors a four-hour exploration of Wildcat Canyon Regional Park with ethnologist and wildlife biologist Jim Hale. The walk includes several rock sites used by Native Americans and is followed by an optional drive to see rock art at nearby Poinsett Park in El Cerrito. (Hale also will speak on local wildlife and Native American history at Berkeley Path Wanderers’ Feb. 15 meeting, see www.berkeleypaths.org.)
Meet at 10 am at the Wildcat Canyon Staging Area, Park Avenue 0.1 mile northeast of McBryde Avenue, Richmond. Bring water and lunch. Dress in layers and be prepared for rain and mud. Driving directions at www.berkeleypaths.org; map at www.ebparks.org; AC Transit 68 stops nearby. More information at www.berkeleypaths.org or 925 939 4304.