Proposed FY04 & FY05 Parks,
Recreation & Waterfront Budget
As of 6/5/03, this budget is not finalized, it's not to late to send your
input to the department or the Mayor
& Council.
Like all departments, Parks, Rec. & Waterfront must make cuts. The
heaviest cuts fall on Recreation, which is dependent on the City's General
Fund. Proposed reductions include:
- Eliminate one Landscape Gardener position, one Building Maintenance
Mechanic position.
- Reduce outside contracts for landscape architectual services
- Reduce service contracts with BYA and East Bay Conservation Corps
- Reduce capital spending by $20K
- Reduce overtime and supplies by $105K
- Reduce spending on ADA compliance by $137.5K per year
- Reduce community agency funding by $56.5K. Eliminate funding for Young
Artist Workspace, reduce funding for Berkeley Youth Alternatives' youth
- Eliminate funding for special recreation events, shorten summer recreation
programs and increase fees, eliminate recreation center fee waivers.
- Close Willard and West Campus pools during winter weeks.
- Reduce recreation office and field staff.