Joint Watershed Goals Statement
The cities of Albany, Berkeley, El Cerrito and Richmond, and the East Bay Regional Park District, and the University of California, Berkeley, agree to join in partnership to restore the watershed of our joint jurisdiction to a healthy condition. We will cooperate closely to accomplish the following goals:
- Restoring our creeks by removing culverts, underground pipes, and obstructions to fish and animal migration, putting creeks in restore channels up in the sunshine where they can be enjoyed by people and wildlife.
- Restoring creek corridors as natural transportation routes with pedestrian and bicycle paths along creekside greenways; wherever possible using creekside greenways to connect neighborhoods and commercial districts east of the Interstate 80 freeway to the shoreline of the San Francisco Bay and the San Francisco Bay Trail.
- Restoring a healthy freshwater supply to creeks and the bay by eliminating conditions that pollute rainwater as it flows overland to creeks and eliminating conditions that prevent a healthy amount of rainwater from soaking into the ground and replenishing the underground water supplies that nourish creeks.
- Instilling widespread public awareness of the value of developing infrastructure along lines that promote healthier watersheds and watershed oriented open spaces where nature and community life can flourish.
In addition to ongoing general cooperation in the furtherance of these goals, the watershed partners agree to seek out opportunities to jointly apply for grants and jointly undertake planning, construction, educational, and watershed management projects which will be approved on a case by case basis by the respective governing bodies.
The Joint Watershed Goals Statement
Was passed by the following cities on the following dates:
City of Albany July 17, 1995
City of Berkeley July 25, 1995
City of El Cerrito September 5, 1995
City of Richmond July 31, 1995