Creek Art to Action

A dozen Berkeley High School AP Environmental Science students got “down and dirty” Saturday, Mar. 18, 2006, making ephemeral art with “found” materials in the first session of Friends of Five Creeks’ “Art to Action on Berkeley Creeks” project. Working with local environmental artist Zach Pine (, students turned leaves, logs, litter, even muddy footprints into art . The site was the swale next to Lower Glendale Path, one of Codornices Creek’s many headwaters. Less visible results: seeing more clearly, and a deepened appreciation of nature and creeks. Huge thanks to students, Zach, and especially BHS teacher Mardi Mertens.

Codornices Creek volunteering

Groups from Brownies to UC Berkeley public-policy graduate students are pitching in to help with weeding at the most recent restoration on Codornices Creek. A little over a year ago, the creek was “liberated” from a narrow concrete channel west of Fifth Street (alongside University Village and between sports fields). The need now is to keep weeds under control along the newly meandering channel, giving natives time to grow in. The most recent group of helpers — 15 residents of Canterbury House, a residence for UC students focused on public service. Thanks to all — and if your group wants to help, contact us at