Finding funding: A panel discussion

Do you have an idea for a great neighborhood or community project, dreams for a bit of green space or a new recreation program? Berkeley Partners for Parks wants to help you get started and find funding. Mark your calendar for our March 19 meeting, 7 pm at the Berkeley Public Works Green Room, 1326 Allston, Berkeley. A panel will discuss funding sources including the UC Chancellor’s Partnership Grants and Northern California Grassroots Fund. BPFP’s member citizens groups will offer information on topics such as forming partnerships and finding volunteers.

Directions: Take Sacramento two blocks south from University, then Allston two blocks west. Park in the large Berkeley Corporation Yard parking lot on the south side of Allston just before the street ends. The meeting room is on the west (right) side of the parking lot. By bus, take the 51 on University Avenue to Acton Street, walk south two blocks, then right on Allston.

Along those same lines, if you have an idea for a summer youth-recreation program, check out Northern California Grantmakers’ Summer Youth Projects, The deadline is March 1 to apply for grants of up to $1,000.

Finding funding: A panel discussion

Do you have an idea for a great neighborhood or community project, dreams for a bit of green space or a new recreation program? Berkeley Partners for Parks wants to help you get started and find funding. Mark your calendar for our March 19 meeting, 7 pm at the Berkeley Public Works Green Room, 1326 Allston, Berkeley. A panel will discuss funding sources including the UC Chancellor’s Partnership Grants and Northern California Grassroots Fund. BPFP’s member citizens groups will offer information on topics such as forming partnerships and finding volunteers.

Directions: Take Sacramento two blocks south from University, then Allston two blocks west. Park in the large Berkeley Corporation Yard parking lot on the south side of Allston just before the street ends. The meeting room is on the west (right) side of the parking lot. By bus, take the 51 on University Avenue to Acton Street, walk south two blocks, then right on Allston.

Along those same lines, if you have an idea for a summer youth-recreation program, check out Northern California Grantmakers’ Summer Youth Projects, The deadline is March 1 to apply for grants of up to $1,000.

Environmental Art Show Opening: Jan 11

Photos from Friends of Five Creeks’ Art to Action on Berkeley Creeks will be on display at River of Words’ Gallery Space, 2547 8th St. STE 13B (the historic Sawtooth Building) Jan. 11-Feb. 11. In this project, environmental artist Zach Pine led Berkeley High students, homeschoolers and seniors, and community members making art w/natural and found materials at creek headwaters, middle reaches, and mouth. The opening, 5-7pm, Thurs., Jan. 11, will feature historic information, a well as new guide to exploring the Cordornices and Schoolhouse Creek watersheds, and an opportunity to make your own art. Free and open to all. Information at