As usual, the time is 7:30-9:00pm, place is Live Oak Park Community Center.
1. Minutes of previous meeting—18 September 2006
2. Treasurer’s report, fundraising report (John C,Shelagh)
3. New layout for Web site home page–questions, comments?
4. Presentation of North Shattuck Plaza plans (David Stoloff)
5. What about tabling at Richmond “Making Waves” event Oct 21?
6. Discuss newsletter: contents, authors, deadline
A. How to arrange for using sub-groups mailing lists?
B. How much do we want to spend on mailing to sub-groups lists?
C. What’s the story with the bulk-mail permit?
D. Identify groups/persons who will provide article+photo
7. Reports on events and sub-group news:
A. Halcyon Common events (John S)
B. SFROW status (Beebo, John S)
C. “Sustainability Summit” Oct 6, 9am-3pm (did anyone go?)
8. Date for holiday party?
9. Reminder of January 9 Board retreat
A. Start thinking about what BP4P should focus on in 2007-2008
10. Follow-up actions: summary and confirmation
Our meetings are open to the public.