Fall Equinox Celebration at Cesar Chavez Solar Calendar

Date and time

Sunday, September 23, 2007
6:15 to 7:15
Sunset at 7 p.m.

Event information

Mini-workshop on the “Reason for the Seasons”
Bring your questions about the workings of sun, moon and earth.
Cesar Chavez & The Seasons
What does Autumn mean to you/to a traditional culture?

Gathering led by:
Led by Rabbi David Cooper
Kahilla Community Synagogue

Dress for all weather conditions – Weather is part of the experience

Unfortunately, a person suffered a serious dog bite at the last gathering. We know that dog walkers are some of our biggest supporters. Most guardians keep dogs on-leash during the gathering. It makes for a more orderly and enjoyable experience for all in attendance. This is particularly important when there are a lot of people, dogs and excitement in the center circle.

Those of you who have been there in the past know that we regularly review four virtues of Cesar Chavez which are metaphorically associated with the four cardinal directions. Tolerance is one of those virtues. And it is a good one to be reminded of as we learn to be with one another harmoniously in a special space and moment.

If you review the map of the park you will see that the solar calendar is in the on-leash part of the park.


Walk Berkeley Shoreline with The Berkeley Mariners, every Wednesday this summer.

Every Wednesday!
Walk Berkeley Shoreline with The Berkeley Mariners.
Berkeley Shoreline Walk Club
Wednesdays at 9:30 am
Part of the Walkable Neighborhoods for Seniors Project
We meet every Wednesday in front of the Sea Breeze Market, near the Berkeley Marina. Just over (west of) highway 80 overpass on University Avenue and West Frontage Road.

For more information conact: Gene Herman, (510) 548-9840

Remember to weat comfortable shoes. Don’t forget to bring plenty of water, sunscreen, a hat, and a friend!
Relan, enjoy, and stretch your legs on a one-hour walk with potential to see many local and wayfaring birds and fantastic views of San Francisco Bay. Three routes along scenic Berkeley shoreline. Do Tai Chi exercise with Gene after the walk, “On demand.”
PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: #9 bus stops directly across University Avenue from Seabreese market; it runs every half-hour and can be picked up at Shattuck and Center Street (A transfer location in downtown Berkeley.
In partnership with USOAC (United Seniors of Oakland and Alameda County) and Walkable Neighborhoods for Seniors

Spring Equinox Gathering Cesar Chavez Park @ The Solar Calendar

Spring Equinox Gathering
Cesar Chavez Park
@ The Solar Calendar
Berkeley Marina
Tuesday, March 20th
6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Workshop led by David Glaser, Science Educator

How did ancient peoples first identify east and west?
Bring your questions about the workings of the sun, earth & moon.
The Four Virtues/Four Directions Homage to Cesar Chavez

The Spring Equinox is the beginning of the Cesar Chavez Commemorative Period in Berkeley

Dress warmly: The weather is part of the experience…

University Avenue toward Berkeley Marina – Follow signs to DoubleTree Hotel and
Chavez Park. Follow road to left after DoubleTree Hotel. Chavez Park will be on your right.
Go to end of road. At turnaround, park and follow green signs to northwest corner of park.

Winter Solstice Gathering at Interim Solar Calendar, Cesar Chavez Park

Winter Solstice Gathering
Interim Solar Calendar
Cesar Chavez Park
Berkeley Marina

Thursday, December 21st
4:15 to 5:15
Sunset @ 4:50

Led by Alan Gould, Planetarium Director, Lawrence Hall of Science

Bring your questions about the workings of sun, earth and moon.
Gatherings include a brief workshop on the reasons for the seasons,
and a magnificent sunset (weather permitting)

Dress Warmly. The weather is part of the experience.

Directions: follow the day-glo green signs (“Winter Solstice Gathering”) beginning at the end of Spinnaker Way.