Holy Hill Theme Walk

Wednesday, April 1

Berkeley Path Wanderers: Holy Hill Theme Walk, 10 a.m. As a thematic companion to her fascinating tour of churches in central Berkeley, Barbara Robben will lead this Easter exploration of the paths and institutions of Holy Hill. Meet at: Scenic Ave. at the intersection of LeConte & Ridge Rd. Info: keithskinner.public@gmail.com – 510 528 3246 www.berkeleypaths.org

Mar. 23 & 30 workshops on UC grants for community groups

If you have an idea for a project that will benefit Berkeley neighborhoods or the community as a whole, RSVP now to 510 643 5296 for a workshop on the 2009 round of UC Berkeley’s Chancellor’s Community Partnership grants. Grant applications will be due May 15, with awards announced in August. For information and forms, go to http://communityrelations.berkeley.edu/ccpf/grants.htm.

Workshops will be 4:30 – 6 pm Mon., Mar. 23, Rm. 150 University Hall (Addison and Oxford Sts.) and 7-9 pm Mon., Mar. 30, Rm. B North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst (at MLK Jr. Way).

If you are considering applying for a grant for a project dealing with parks, open space, gardens, or recreation, and need a nonprofit fiscal sponsor, get in touch with us!

Mon., Apr. 6, Talk on “Blue-Green Building”

How can we build our cities and homes to lessen pollution, erosion, and flooding; keep healthy water tables and lessen the need for irrigation; and welcome wildlife and pollinators? Promising East Bay projects show us how! See slides and talk about possibilities with Friends of Five Creeks, 7 pm Mon., Apr. 6, at Albany Community Center, 1249 Marin. Free, all welcome! Information at www.fivecreeks.org, f5creeks@aol.com, 510 848 9358.

Sat., Mar. 21: Help Restore the Berkeley “Meadow”

From 10 AM – 1 PM Saturday, March 21, join Friends of Five Creeks volunteers removing invasives and improving wildlife habitat in the Berkeley “Meadow” area of Eastshore State Park. Find out how this former garbage dump is being transformed. With luck, we can take a short walk to see rare burrowing owls near the work site! Meet on the north side of University Avenue just west of I-880/580, opposite Sea Breeze Market (Internet maps 598 University Ave., Berkeley; AC Transit 9; great walk or bike ride on the Bay Trail or pedestrian/bicycle trail from Aquatic Park). Tools, gloves, and snacks provided. Dress for all weather, in clothes that can get dirty. Information at www.fivecreeks.org, f5creeks@aol.com, 510 848 9358.

April 20: Maximizing Your Input on Local Green Space

Monday, April 20, 7-9 PM
Berkeley Partners for Parks Earthweek Symposium:
Citizens and Our Local Green Spaces:
Maximizing Your Input

Join Sue Ferrera, Berkeley Parks Supervisor, and experienced leaders in a conversation on how to start a project, work with government, get funding, and attract volunteers. Find out specifics on the upcoming UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Community Partnership Grants! Tell your friends! Put it on your calendar! West Berkeley Senior Center, 1900 Sixth St. (at Hearst).