Strawberry Creek Lodge work party

Hello Everyone:

We’ll be holding two work parties at Strawberry Creek Lodge (1320 Addison Street in Berkeley) on:

1. Saturday, December 23rd, 10:00am-2:00pm
2. Saturday, December 30th, 10:00am-2:00pm

We’ll be doing a little clean up after the rains, weeding, and planting (Manzanita in the front and Ferns in the back). Please join us if you can in the beautiful back garden of the Lodge to check on the fish and to say hello to old friends.

Let us know if you can make it so that we can get the snacks right. For any newcomers, please park on the street and not in the Lodge parking lot as it’s reserved for the residents. ‘Hope to see you `this Saturday! Thanks.

RSVP to Jane at 510-528-3949

Strawberry Creek Lodge work party

Hello Everyone:

We’ll be holding two work parties at Strawberry Creek Lodge (1320 Addison Street in Berkeley) on:

1. Saturday, December 23rd, 10:00am-2:00pm
2. Saturday, December 30th, 10:00am-2:00pm

We’ll be doing a little clean up after the rains, weeding, and planting (Manzanita in the front and Ferns in the back). Please join us if you can in the beautiful back garden of the Lodge to check on the fish and to say hello to old friends.

Let us know if you can make it so that we can get the snacks right. For any newcomers, please park on the street and not in the Lodge parking lot as it’s reserved for the residents. ‘Hope to see you `this Saturday! Thanks.

RSVP to Jane at 510-528-3949

Winter Solstice Gathering at Interim Solar Calendar, Cesar Chavez Park

Winter Solstice Gathering
Interim Solar Calendar
Cesar Chavez Park
Berkeley Marina

Thursday, December 21st
4:15 to 5:15
Sunset @ 4:50

Led by Alan Gould, Planetarium Director, Lawrence Hall of Science

Bring your questions about the workings of sun, earth and moon.
Gatherings include a brief workshop on the reasons for the seasons,
and a magnificent sunset (weather permitting)

Dress Warmly. The weather is part of the experience.

Directions: follow the day-glo green signs (“Winter Solstice Gathering”) beginning at the end of Spinnaker Way.

“Re-Storying” fo the Common… by BPFP President John Steere: Dec 6

Click here for more information.

Just as our communities are becoming more multi-cultural, our experience of public open space and urban “greening” is become more multi-dimensional and participatory, reflecting an appeal to many purposes and sensibilities. Could we be entering a new era of the commons?….a deepening of our collective perception of public space to encompass the environment and its renewal? In the past half-century, we’ve expanded its definition from city parks, plazas, and playgrounds to a more vitalizing field of wildlife and creek corridors, wetlands and habitat restoration, greenways and paths, and community gardens. Why has this shift occurred….and how is our understanding of the commons evolving? What does it mean to the experience of community? What are the implications for the future of public open space? The presenter will reflect on these questions in the context of the restoration and “re-storying” of the commons and will draw on examples from his own city, Berkeley, and others in the East Bay.

John Steere is an environmental planner whose 20-year career spans public, private, and non-profit sectors of land use and resource management planning. An environmental planning consultant, he is the author of the award-winning Restoring the Estuary and numerous articles on habitat partnerships. He received his B.A. degree from Harvard College and a joint Masters degree in city and regional planning and landscape architecture from University of California at Berkeley. Active in urban habitat, greening, and park issues, he has helped develop a couple parks in the community, is the founder of East Bay Citizens for Creek Restoration, and serves on the boards of Livable Berkeley and Berkeley Partners for Parks.

This talk is part of the Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning Colloquium (LD ARCH 253), taught by Georgia Silvera.